Maybe if I post a picture you'll all forgive me, if anyone reads this anymore anyways :)
It's almost Christmas, I am up to my ears in "churchy" things getting ready for this season of love. I can hardly wait to be home with ma and pa and charlie and mike and alex and HAILEY!Only a few more snoozes and I'll be there, who's counting lol.
It has been busy up here in the North not too much to report to be honest.
I'm working lots as a full time Youth Worker up here and loving every second of it. They are finally after 3 years building me an office, it's gonna be pretty spectacular I must say, pretty pumped! I live up here with Benny Boo we're just trucking through the trenches of ministry and clinging to our Jesus with all our might. God has been pretty good to us which is to be expected that's kind of how He rolls but most of YOU know that from your own stories :) I am so thankful to God for that!!!!
My year has basically consisted of church, the pool, counting calories, cutting hair, dropping dress sizes, a few dates, and really just new and exciting experiences that I have never had before. Still single, still loving it, still serving the Lord and still praying for each of you!