
A hunger..

There is a hunger out there for God, a hunger for truth, a hunger for help, a hunger for love, a hunger for honesty, a hunger for life, a hunger for friends, a hunger for acceptance, a hunger for peace and a basic hunger for nothing more than food.

In my line of work Monday mornings make me sick. This is me at my desk blogging about my job. Monday is the day of phone calls or rather of messages, no one has been in the office since Friday and it breaks my heart. You have those calling to talk to the pastor and you can only assume a couple of things #1) the subject on the line is about to complain about the length of sevice yesterday or #2) It may actually be important<--this does not usually happen as much as (#1)! There are those messages though that break me in two, the ones of that single mother sobbing while kids scream in the background, the ID restricted calls from the womans shelter, the poor college student with no family and no friends, a friend calling to say yet another old lady slipped and broke her hip. They are sad. This is life, the real hunger..some call for food..some for us to just listen..some for a light in their present darkness...and some for a visit to their quiet hospital room...the hunger is there..the hunger for Jesus.

So as I sit here on this another Monday I find myself cornered..where to first? That ladies house with a Safeway giftcard..the hospital with some flowers, the shelter to give a hug...

I think I will go to my quiet place of rest, ask God to fill me, to guide me and to show me where in today He would like me to be His hands and feet..the options for service are everywhere...where first..?


Anonymous said...

You're an absolutely beautiful woman of God, Sarah, that's one of the most attractive things about you. What you do for the least of these in the world, you do for Him. And you're just filled and bursting over with Jesus and I know that you, His humble servant, have performed great acts and will continue to do so because of your soft, comforting, loving soul that's filled with God. How could you not make a difference to anybody, whether it's where God had specifically led you or not? Wherever you go with God, you can know that something is bound to happen.

Unknown said...

Thank you! I Love you! I hunger too!

Anonymous said...

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