Where the heck are we?
"Daddy sang bass, momma sang tenor!"-Johnny Cash!
More Hollywood..and Chads head..haha
Ben Johnson and Chad...
Nate and I...Yah Canadian friends!
Chinese Theatre!
Check that out Frank..we rock...Yah! WALSH!
Yes Benny boo boo boo boo benny...its Godzilla!
Chad and Dora..how embarrassing
So famous "Hollywood sign"
Crazy outdoor mall we chilled at right on Hollywood Bl..
Ben relaxing..on the not so comfy couch!
I liked the "eh" a little Canada everywhere!
Check that out!
For Benny boo boo boo benny...
Just because...
nice car...Lamborghini(definitely googled that to spell it right!)
Cookie time in LA!
Just a Rolls Royce..nothign major!
The End...