
Nothing to blog about...

...I guess there could always be something to blog about but lately my life has just been rough and nothing fun and exciting is cracking..

I could share my opinions on the H1N1 flu shot until my head wants to explode?

I could talk about how many halloweeners we had at our door? (ZERO!!)

I could talk about how cold snow is to kneel in?

I could talk about what I want for Christmas..?

Or I could just be silent, be still and take time to be with Him....I like this one..

God keeps bringing me to Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 and I think we should really let these verses sink into our bones....go ahead..look it up...God has been telling me lately to "zip it" so I think I will!

Is it your time to be silent? To laugh? To search? To mourn? To love? To mend? - Let Him speak to you..

1 comment:

ElleBelle said...

hey Walshy,
I'm so amazed at your growth this past while..you're really turning into a humble, wise, faith-filled person :)