Today is my birthday and I am now legal everywhere in the world..wooot for 21!
Last night a few of my close girlfriends (Meghan, BreAnn, Michelle, Renee, Marian and Steph) through a party for me out at Meghans farm! Now I knew it was hapenning but was unaware of what we would be doing, well my abs still ache from all of the laughter! It was an amazing night! We induldged in chicken wings, french fries, chips, dip, veggies, crackers, jalepeno jelly and CHOCOLATE! Life was complete. Meghan has an indoor pool on her farm so we also went swimming, I had a pool party for my 21st with some of the greatest friends I have made here in Saskatchewan. While sizzling in the sauna with my friend Renee it really hit me that I am leaving really soon and that this moment will be over, at this the tears began..but I really do feel God has used these women in my life so powerfully and I have been so blessed by each of them! We finished the night off by sitting around a table sharing God after God story and opening up about our lives. I was sitting at a table of girls and transparency and I felt so relieved, comforted and most of all accepted!
We shut the lights off at 4 am..I am tired and should shower soon..
I think my 21st birthday takes the cake for amazing, memorable and fun! God is good!
Oh and my cake was in the shape of an "S" I was so happy..except that I had like 7 candles still burning when I blew the candles out, I am such a playa..haha